About accreditation

ASCB is in fact one of the leading international accreditation bodies in the world, respected for its integrity, practicality and impartiality. We pride ourselves on being technically outstanding without being overly formal or stuffy.

Like an experienced mentor, as opposed to a judgemental overseer, we’re here to ensure you navigate a thorough, but swift path through to compliance. To date ASCB has accredited over 230 conformity assessment bodies (CABs), registered over 10,000 assessors, auditors and quality assurance personnel achievements; and our accredited CABs have certificated over 30,000 organisations with an estimated combined annual turnover of $250 billion and hiring over 1 million employees.

All certificated bodies, organisations and products are placed on the International Register (IRQAO) that has a live search function, providing the user with instant verification of the authenticity of any ASCB and other accredited certificate holders. For a world map of ASCB accredited organisations, just click here.

It's all about reassurance

Knowing that your Certifying Body is being constantly monitored.

Having recourse to a higher level of authority if needed.

Knowing that the Certifying Body operates to defined procedures
that are continually reviewed.

Knowing that you have a balanced level of service that
does not compromise your business operations.

Knowing that you have someone to turn to if you have a problem
with the quality of supplies or products.

Knowing that this accreditation is independent of government.

Knowing there is consistency of approach; no moving goal posts.

Knowing there has been over 25 years of customer focus.